Childhood trauma11/30/2021 Even in adulthood, childhood trauma can leave you believing that
1. The world is unsafe 2. You are defective, or 3. You are powerless Here are some of the signs that you might still be struggling as a result of childhood trauma – 1. You are on edge, jumpy, and nervous, or you lash out (at yourself, or others) 2. You constantly experience intrusive negative thoughts, or you relive disturbing moments from your childhood. 3. You blank out, or you feel numb, or you lose chunks of time. All is not lost. There are ways to regain a sense of safety, power, and a sense of meaning. Psychotherapy offers you the unconditional positive regard needed to rebuild a sense of trust, and to learn how to live fully again. Chris Warren-Dickins LLB MA LPC Psychotherapist, author of Beyond the Blue, and LGBTQ+ advocate #beyondtheblue #beyondthebluebook
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