Surviving Health Disparities9/16/2019 We have all been given the same Mission: To survive life’s journey as we carry the Male Label. Some of us will run with it, taking the Male Label as our own. Others eschew the Label, identifying with a different Gender Identity. And some will struggle to reconcile all that this Male Label represents, and how it intersects with their sexuality or ethnicity. So the Mission is the same, but the paths we take along this Mission may differ considerably. As a psychotherapist, I have a particular interest in the Male Labelled and how they Survive Health Disparities. In 2018 the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a report on the Health Disparities of Male Labelled Persons of Color and Male Labelled members of the LGBTQ+ community (APA Report 2018 - a copy is attached to this article). The APA chose these groups because of their long history of marginalization. The APA’s report did not include people who are Gender Diverse, but I would argue that much of their findings are equally applicable to people who are Male Labelled and Gender Diverse. When I started Beyond the Blue, I met quite a bit of push-back. People (who should have known better) claimed that the Male Label was not a priority because (they claimed) 'the Male Labelled hold all the power, and they have done for centuries’. This is a gross over-simplification. The Male Labelled may have all been given the same Mission (to survive life’s journey carrying the Male Label), but some may experience a more dangerous path than others. The APA highlighted this in the 2018 report, claiming Male Labelled Persons of Color and Male Labelled members of the LGBTQ+ community experience the more dangerous path, because of their significant health disparities. I would argue that there are also significant health disparities for the Male Labelled who are Gender Diverse. People who are Male Labelled and who are Gender Diverse, and Male Labelled Persons of Color, and other Male Labelled members of the LGBTQ+ community (because of their Sexuality) have to straddle the vast ravine of:
What do we mean by Health Disparities? Here are some striking facts to illustrate the Health Disparities amongst the Male Labelled -
The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse In their report, the APA chose to focus on four main areas of Health Disparity. These are four critical threats to the Male Labelled who are Persons of Color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. I would argue that these are also four critical threats to the Male Labelled who are Gender Diverse –
These are so lethal that I have called them the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. They ride alongside the Male Labelled, picking them off one by one. The APA chose to focus on these issues because of
I have dedicated several articles to each of these Four Horseman, and you can find these here – So what do you think? Does any of this resonate with you? Get in touch by sending me a message privately via the Contact Page, or add a public comment below, and engage in the debate Chris Warren-Dickins LLB MA LPC Therapist, writer, educator, and LGBTQ+ advocate #beyondtheblue #beyondthebluebook References
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